Emotional Personal Development

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Step into your life...continued

I woke up still thinking about my blog yesterday and needed to write more about it.

The last part of step into your life talks about "What change do you want to see most occur in the world and how can you facilitate it?" In my view in order to see a change in the world it has more...
The last part of step into your life talks about "What change do you want to see most occur in the world and how can you facilitate it?" In my view in order to see a change in the world it has to start with each and every individual, the first one being myself. That is what is so exciting about the prospect of change. I am dedicated to personal growth and as long as I worry about myself and set an example for others to learn by I am doing my part in the whole shift that we truly need in our world today.

After writing yesterday about others not accepting my straight forward attitude, I received an eye opening quote from a colleague in AZ. Here it is:

"No one can make you feel
inferior without your consent."

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
American first lady,
humanitarian, and UN diplomat

This is a big huge reminder that I am definitely in control of my own life. My goals, my dreams, my successes, my failures, and my emotions. So if I have any reaction to how others react to me, I chose it. I can chose to let people make me feel inferior as the quotes says, or I can let it roll off my back and embrace who I am and the positive sides to my personality.

Of course I know that I am in charge of how I react, but forget. I get caught up in the emotional reaction and playing the victim. I think that is why I love this community of people who are dedicated to spiritual growth, it helps me remember all of the important concepts that I need to apply to my life to contribute to the shift within me. This then creates the ripple effect that I find myself talking about a lot. That is what I want my life to be about. Personal development that creates a new vibe on our beautiful planet. A feeling of peace and love that everyone is familiar with and willing to strive for.

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