Emotional Personal Development

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Having Fun making Vids

Today I made my 2nd You Tube video that you can access by clicking on my picture, and I must say I am really having fun with this. It is totally not scripted and right from the gut. I pick a topic in my mind and go for it. I find it is really helpful to see myself talking about what I am doing. It makes it "real". I am very excited to be launching my Personal Development Life Coaching career with social media networking. The possibilities are endless. I think I am even more excited to know that all of the experiences that I made it through are great tools in working with clients. I have first hand knowledge with lots of topics that others struggle with. I believe that hearing from another person who has lived what you are dealing with is very powerful. It certainly has been for me. I have made some radical changes in my life by collaborating with others for guidance. Most recently it has been my life coach Maia and the group of women I talk with once a week. We have all become Soul Sisters in our journey to transform our lives.............stay tuned for more details!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The "Get Inspired" interview

I invite you to listen to my interview for the "Get Inspired" project! It is 365 interviews in 365 days on the subject of what inspires people, me specifically, on Day 207!
Click here
Thank You,

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